Economic Council including the Ketchum Innovation Center, Visit Sun Valley, The Chamber of Hailey and the Wood River Valley and The Fly Sun Valley Alliance formed to align and coordinate economic development efforts.
We really like this piece in Bloomberg Businessweek Housing Doesn't Have To Be So Expensive: Bringing down prices requires a combination of affordable homes and upzoning Some excerpts to consider: “Housing prices needn’t be high just because an area is hemmed in by water or mountains” “Constraints on housing prevent…
SVED's Annual Economic Profiles for: Blaine County and the cities of: Bellevue Carey Hailey Ketchum Sun Valley are posted for download and use on the Economic Profiles page of its website.
SVED GDP estimate of $2.0 Billion in 2017 garnered front page coverage in the Idaho Mt. Express. Read the full ARTICLE including sales, business, wage and real estate stats.
2017 saw growth in sales with some cities up and some slightly down. Blaine County also saw increases in the number of jobs, businesses, wages and income from self-employment. SVED estimates the Blaine County GDP to be $2.0 Billion in 2017, up from our last estimate of $1.8 Billion in…