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Vermont has a labor problem — its workforce is one of the oldest in the nation, and it’s dwindling. To combat the decline, the state has launched a new financial program to attract younger workers. The Remote Worker Grant Program offers incentives to workers who do the majority of their work remotely from a home office or coworking space to relocate to Vermont.


2019 Q3 Forum – September 5, 2019

By Business, News
SVED 2019 Q3 Forum v1   Thanks again to the Limelight Hotel for being great hosts. The link to Harry's and David's presentation is above. We are looking forward to continuing our talent attraction discussion. If you would like to get involved in that effort, contact
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Yes in my Backyard – YIMBY

By News

Finally, A Story about YIMBY’s From Planet Money: #865, Yes in my backyard Our favorite clip: TRAUSS: We have a housing shortage. The way you fix a shortage – build more housing – so simple.” Step one – form a club. Give it a name with a catchy acronym. Step…

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